Take time to relax

Why Your Brain Needs More Downtime

Research on naps, meditation, nature walks and the habits of exceptional artists and athletes reveals how mental breaks increase productivity, replenish attention, solidify memories and encourage creativity
By Ferris Jabr | October 15, 2013
After reading an article published in Scientific American relaxation became even more important to maintaining my health.
The word busy is often the word I use to describe my life.  After reading the article “busy” sounded more like a dirty word.
Mr. Jabr wrote  “There is so much more to do—so much work I genuinely enjoy—but my brain is telling me to stop. It’s full. It needs some downtime”.
Can you relate?  I sure can!
Learn the benefit of Meditation, short naps and mindfulness training.
Jabr say’s, beyond renewing one’s powers of concentration, downtime can in fact bulk up the muscle of attention—something that scientists have observed repeatedly in studies on meditation. There are almost as many varieties and definitions of meditation as there are people who practice it. Although meditation is not equivalent to zoning out or daydreaming, many styles challenge people to sit in a quiet space, close their eyes and turn their attention away from the outside world toward their own minds. Mindfulness meditation, for example, generally refers to a sustained focus on one’s thoughts, emotions and sensations in the present moment. For many people, mindfulness is about paying close attention to whatever the mind does on its own, as opposed to directing one’s mind to accomplish this or that.
About naps he writes “Plenty of studies have established that naps sharpen concentration and improve the performance of both the sleep-deprived and the fully rested on all kinds of tasks, from driving to medical care”.  That’s amazing because all you need is 10-20 minutes!
Check out the full article and read the benefits of taking time to RELAX. Downtime is essential.
Click here to read more!
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